Keyboard latency

• Jul 22, 2024 - 01:59

When using a MIDI keyboard (M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 Mk3) with Musescore 4 on my new laptop (Dell 7640, Windows 11), there is a small but annoying amount of latency between pressing a key and hearing the sound. Is there something I can tweak in Musescore or Windows to improve this?


I have an almost identical setup. What are you using for sounds? MuseSounds or built-in Soundfonts? What are you using for listening? Wired headphones or USB phones/speakers. Are you using an external audio interface?

I fought this same issue for months and finally learned that using USB audio to listen was a bad idea, also not using a ASIO interface was also a bad idea. Also, Musesounds contributed to the delay compared to soundfonts. Try it with soundfonts instead and see what happens.

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