MuseScore is mixing up languages

• Jul 26, 2024 - 19:13

Hi, I've noticed that when I am writing a score, if I add the tab for grace notes and hover over one, they are all called by their Norwegian names (my native language) as you can see in the top left corner in the image below, (ignore my snipping tool tab, that's supposed to be in Norwegian) but everything else in my editor has their American English names, I want everything to be in English, because I understand MuseScore a lot easier in English, I've tried changing back from English to Norwegian and vice versa many times, including updating and restarting my computer for the language changes to take effect. Can anyone please help me with this issue? I'd really appreciate it.

Attachment Size
musescore-mixing-languages.png 209.82 KB


You wrote:
I've tried changing back from English to Norwegian and vice versa many times...

What was your procedure?
Also, what OS (operating system)?
What version MS4 (use menu item: Help > About)

I guess the Norwegian translation is not complete, then it falls back to the internal strings, which are in international (American) English.
If you want all in English, Switch the translation in Preferences

Edit: Sorry, I might have wasted your time, turns out just resetting the palette fixed the issue, still, I am very grateful to anyone who tried to help me solve the issue.

I didn't know I could reset a palette before I tried to solve it myself right now.

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