Change measure duration of multiple measures in one operation

• Jul 30, 2024 - 17:01

If there is not already a way to do so, can it be added to select multiple measures and change the duration of all of them in one operation?


"select multiple measures and change the duration of all of them in one operation?"

This is not possible.
But why not simply change the time signature for the few necessary measures (provided that they are contiguous, of course)
And possibly hide it, if necessary for a particular use case.

In reply to by cadiz1

The use case is PDF to MusicXML conversion picking up the wrong time signature. If it detects 4/4, for example, but it's actually 3/4, there's a spare rest that needs to be disposed of and just inserting 3/4 reformats the measures in an even less desirable way than just clicking through all of the measures and changing them to 3/4 before adding the correct time signature.

In reply to by Danny Snyder

" If it detects 4/4, for example, but it's actually 3/4, there's a spare rest that needs to be disposed "

It's not quite as simple as that in this kind of PDF conversion. The spare rest is not necessarily on the last beat... that would be too good! And very often, there's a shift, and it's one or more notes that are too many on the last beat.
And so, if you reduce the duration, you'll cut off those notes that could be included in the score...
As said previously, this change in duration is only possible measure by measure.

In reply to by cadiz1

The project I'm working on right now, changing from 4/4 to 3/4 is actually exactly what's needed- all that's superfluous in this case is a rest on beat 4, so I'm clicking through ~100 measures and changing them to 3/4 before I add the 3/4 time sig. Is this a feature that's impossible to add?

In reply to by cadiz1

When I do this, it will only work if there is a single rest selected. If I try to multi-select those fourth-beat rests and press Ctrl+Delete, nothing happens. So this seems to be no faster (or slower!) than using the measure arrows at bottom left of the Measure Properties dialog, is it???

In reply to by TheHutch

" So this seems to be no faster (or slower!) than using the measure arrows at bottom left of the Measure Properties dialog, is it???"

Have you verified it yourself? Well, undoubtedly, it's faster with the Ctrl/Cmd + Del method. Over 20 measures, I save 30 seconds (50 seconds with the first method, 1mn20 with the second). That's 2mn30 for a score of 100 measures. Not bad! Simply because you have to click 3 times to get the change in each measure (Change duration/Apply/Right arrow to change measure). There are only two steps with the first: Select the rest and press Ctrl/Del.
Nevertheless, if the time spent is not the essential criterion, it's fair to say that staying in the Measure Properties dialog can be more comfortable, since all you have to do is click in the same place (instead of alternating selection with mouse + keyboard to delete).
However, I can see another disadvantage: the dialog hides the score (at least partially). So you don't see the immediate effect. You're acting a little blindly. For a few measures, why not, for 100 measures, it's a pain. With the rest removal, the result is immediate and visible!

In reply to by cadiz1

When I tried both methods, I got a difference of only about 2 or 3 seconds over (I think?) 30 measures. (It was yesterday, so I don't recall exactly.) Hardly enough to bother with.

However, I did not consider the question of the dialog hiding the score. Undoubtedly better to use your Ctrl/Cmd+Delete method when you've got lots of measures to do.

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