Wrong courtesy key at the end of system when using Segno (Musescore 3, Musescore 4)

• Jul 31, 2024 - 16:24

The wrong courtesy key shows at the end of a system when the music jumps back to segno, in both Musescore 3 and 4.
I am trying to write down a musical piece from a piece of paper. The sections are written down in this order: 1st part in F, 2nd part in C and the trio in Bb. However, the order in which it's meant to be played is 1st-2nd-1st-trio, repeating the 1st part after the 2nd. I used a segno at the start of the 1st part, a Fine at the end of the 1st part and a D.S. al Fine poi Trio at the end of the 2nd part. But the end of the 2nd part shows the courtesy key of the trio (Bb major) instead of the key of the 1st part (F major), however the computer can play the score in the correct order.
Is there a workaround to fix this, perhaps using an invisible measure just before the trio with the key signature of the 1st part? I have tried this, but I couldn't hide the brace and the staff lines.


A temporary workaround that I found:
At the end of the system, hide the wrong courtesy key (e.g. with a Section Break).
In the Inspector (F8), set the barline X Offset to about -2.50sp. Add a text field (Ctrl+T) on the last rest, set the text size to 14.00pt and add a flat from the Insert Special Characters menu. Then set the Y Offset to 2.50sp and move around horizontally to see what works for you (for me 14.50sp).
It will break when you change anything on the system, so it's just temporary.

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