Playback cursor frozen in YouTube video

• Aug 30, 2024 - 09:28


I've recently been updated to the new version of MuseScore version 4.4 in the week and while converting my short compositions into YouTube videos I've noticed that the playhead does not move at all.

Before I updated MuseScore to the latest version the playhead can be seen moving along through the score but now it is just stuck at the first note after the music starts playing...

Is there a work around this perhaps?

I've attached a screenshot that shows what is happening.

The video is already at 0:16 seconds but the playhead is still stuck on the first note after the music has started playing.

Please assist...Thank you

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Screenshot 2024-08-30 102630.png 85.25 KB


I also have the same problem, where it's frozen at the start yet the audio plays OK. I assumed that there was an issue with my Musescore 4 file (even though it plays fine within Musescore). I exported it via XML to Musescore 3 and tried from there, but it sits forever at processing when uploading. I've logged it with Musescore, so let's see what they say.

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ice_screenshot_20240911-160549.jpg 159.16 KB

Recently, a potential solution for this was implemented in MuseScore Studio. This fix will be included in the upcoming 4.4.2 release. When's backend is updated to use this new version of MuseScore Studio for video generation, the problem should be gone. I expect this to happen within a week, but that's no hard promise.

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