MuseScore 4.4 - Continually Repeated Notes

• Sep 3, 2024 - 22:25

With MuseScore 4.4, when I enter a note MuseScore continually repeats the note until the end of the score.

(I use Fedora 39 for my operating system.)

This issue does not occur with MuseScore 4.3 or with MuseScore 4.4 nightly builds. (I have all three versions installed as AppImages.)

The issue appears to come from a MIDI loop-back problem. If I disconnect MuseScore from sound output using QJackCtl, the repeating notes stop. However, after disconnecting MuseScore from sound output, the program cannot play sounds so this solution does not really work.

I have checked my midi configuration files, but they appear to be blank, so no apparent loop-back there.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

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