Lute French Tablature Fonts

• Sep 5, 2024 - 13:42

My French Lute tablature fonts (both letters and note stems) have become unaccountably messed up (both for new scores and opening old ones). I attach a before-and-after sample.
The change is global, so presumably related to either a Windows update (but I don't think there has been one since things were last working ok) or a MuseScore update (I don't recall installing one, but I may have done).

Current version is

Any suggestions on how to fix things would be welcomed.

Attachment Size
Lute fonts.png 64.09 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

But I needed it to work now (indeed yesterday 😭), and reversion was the work of moments. I will happily install 4.4.1 in a week or so once it is released and confirmed stable; I have no urgent need for any of the new features of 4.4, though it looks as if it may have nicer options for anchoring ornament symbols.

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