3 Highly Requested Features

• Sep 5, 2024 - 20:03
  1. Regarding grace notes and similar, please add the option to choose whether or not the first grace note in the group or the note after the set of grace notes sounds on the beat during playback. Currently, only the first option is available, and enabling the second option is too complicated. Simplify it, please.
  2. Accents, marcato, and some other articulations don't sound during playback in MuseScore 4 (all versions), but they did in MuseScore 3. Please bring this back.
  3. In MuseScore 3, I was able to change the loudness (velocity) of individual notes so that they were either louder or softer than others beyond the written dynamics, but this option has since been removed in MuseScore 4 (all versions). Please bring this back.

Please do this ASAP. Not having these options is driving me crazy!


  1. I thought that acciaccatura meant grace notes before the beat and main note, And appoggiatura meant grace notes on the beat before the main note. Both of which are in MU4.

  2. True accents and marcatos are wimpy. Since I write for playback only, I can change the notation to get what I want.

  3. This has long been an issue. Works in Basic sounds but not Muse sounds

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