Accounts on Home Musescore Page keeps logging me out

• Sep 5, 2024 - 20:29

For the last 18 hours I haven't been able to upload directly from my score pages. Usually I upload after saving my score. YET, I WAS ABLE to upload from my MuseScore dashboard by dragging the file into place. But I do prefer to upload from the score directly.

Here is the process I went through:
1. Tried numerous times to upload directly from the score over the past 18 hours. Always got "Error Message: Not connected to Internet or try again later." Kept trying, same result.
2. Checked my internet and reconnected a number of times. That was fine, but still not able to upload from score.
3. Tried other scores of mine that I've recently uploaded. None of them were able to upload from their score pages.
4. Went to Home - My Accounts. Saw that I was not signed in. (see picture below) While I was signed in on my computer - to Musescore, my score pages My Accounts said I was not signed in. So clicked on "sign in". Tried again to upload from score. Still got error message not connected to internet. Checked back to My Accounts (on the score - I was still connected via the MuseScore internet), but now the score Home - My Accounts said I was not connected.

Maybe we can't upload directly from the score anymore?

Thanks, Sora

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