Add palettes not working in Musescore
I installed MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.1-242490810 for Windows 11, and when I click on "Add Palettes", nothing happens. No new window, no selections, nothing.
I uninstalled it and re-installed the previous version 4.3.1 and "Add Palettes" does works (…).
After I added the palettes I wanted, I uninstalled 4.3.1 because it wouldn't read the file I created in 4.4.1. I re-installed 4.4.1 and while my customized palette list is still there, "Add Palettes" still doesn't work.
Anybody experiencing issues with "Add Palettes" using 4.4.1?
My first thought is that this may be related to this problem:
In MuseScore Studio 4.4, menus and popups sometimes appear on the wrong monitor. Is it possible that that is the source of the problem you are having?
We are doing our best to resolve this in a next update as soon as possible.