Run Musescore 4.4 on Debian 11

• Sep 8, 2024 - 10:59

I've installed this without any apparent problems, and the icon has appeared in the list of applications. But clicking on it does not open the program. I've checked that libfuse2 is installed, so this shouldn't be the issue. Is there anything else I can try?


So you are using the appimage? (probably, or you would not be needing libfuse2)
Do a
chmod +x [appimagename] to make it executable.
it should start, or at least give some indication why it does not start.
Unless you do appimage install , you don't have mscore nor mscoreportable yet, which are just symlinks to the appimage created with the install option and located (at least in Ubuntu) under ~/.local/bin/
Logfiles are under ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/

In reply to by graffesmusic

Many thanks for that - I did in fact install it using that procedure. But to try again, I downloaded the AppImage once more, and applied the "chmod . . . " procedure, followed by "MuseScore. . . " install. As happened originally, all looked good, and the message said, "Installed in home/ ...". The MuseScore icon appeared in the list of applications but clicking on it produces the "wait while loading" icon,but then nothing. I must be missing something here, but no idea what it is!

In reply to by Chris Sugden

What if you download the appimage, chmod +x and just start the appimage from the commandline?
No sudo. No 'install'. Only the appimage.
For sure, you will not have a 'no such file' error, since the file you just download is there.

In reply to by graffesmusic

Well, I've gone through the download and install process from the commandline a couple of times already, and I've just done it again, with the same result. Here is the message I get each time:

"Installation step 1 of 3.
PREFIX is '/home/debian/.local'.
Preparing to install resources to:
gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.
Resources installed to '/home/debian/.local'.
Step 2 of 3.
MuseScore is at: /home/debian/Downloads/MuseScore-Studio-
Moving AppImage to 'PREFIX/bin'.
Finished installing MuseScore to /home/debian/.local
Step 3 of 3.
Symlinks can be created to make it easier to launch MuseScore from
the command line. (Symlinks are like shortcuts or aliases.)
INFORMATION: MuseScore is not in PATH. If you want to run MuseScore from
the command line you will have to type the full file path, like this:


This does not affect you if you launch MuseScore by clicking on the icon." (my quotes)

So . . . I have tried running it from the commandline with the full path, as above, but without success. And although it says I can launch it by clicking on the icon, it doesn't work.

In reply to by graffesmusic

Yes, my username is debian. Rather than copy and paste the download name, I typed it in manually.

Here's the result:

debian@debian:~$ /home/debian/.local/bin/MuseScore-Studio-
/tmp/.mount_MuseSc72JWBA/bin/mscore4portable: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

As you know, I'm not at all familiar with using the terminal, so this doesn't mean much to me!
But perhaps you might be able to see where I'm going wrong?

In reply to by Chris Sugden

Thanks, this does give us some clue of where to start looking for the problem.

What do you get when you run the following?

$ /home/debian/.local/bin/MuseScore-Studio- check-dependencies

This takes a while and generates a big amount of output, so you may want to copy it to a text file and upload that as an attachment, rather than directly pasting into a comment.

(Tip: you'll probably have noticed that Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V have a special meaning in Terminal; copying and pasting can be done via the context menu or (depending on your OS/settings) using Ctrl+Shift+C / Ctrl+Shift+V.)

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

Hi - again, many thanks for your perseverance with this! I've run the command you suggested, and got a very large output.
Sadly, my ignorance is holding me up here - I'm trying to copy the output to a text file, but when I go to edit>select all, it only selects the first screen, so I can't copy the entire output to the text file. I've searched for what to do, and there are suggestions such as using script or the tee command, but I'm not familiar with these, so for the moment I can't send you the output :-(

In reply to by Chris Sugden

Ah, sorry. I think the easiest way is:

$ /home/debian/.local/bin/MuseScore-Studio- check-dependencies > deps.txt

This will result in a deps.txt file in the current working directory; you can then locate that file in the GUI file manager, and upload it here.

In reply to by Chris Sugden

Thanks for your reply!
There are two potential fixes:

To try them out:

  1. Open the GitHub links
  2. Make sure you're logged in with a GitHub account
  3. Under Artifacts, click the download link
  4. Then, make the AppImage executable. Assuming that you don't move the downloaded artefact to a different location, the command for the first one would be:
$ chmod +x ~/Downloads/MU4_242551809_Lin_24644_*/*.AppImage
  1. Run it; for the first one, that would be:
$ ~/Downloads/MU4_242551809_Lin_24644_*/*.AppImage

For the second one, the commands would be:

$ chmod +x ~/Downloads/MU4_242552054_Lin_24649_*/*.AppImage
$ ~/Downloads/MU4_242552054_Lin_24649_*/*.AppImage

Could you run them and report if any one of them works (and if yes, which)?

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

Many thanks for your ongoing help - I really appreciate it!
Unfortunately, neither of the commands worked - I've copied them below, in case I've made a foolish error. Also, although I'm not familiar with GitHub, I have created an account, and opened it before running the commands, though I may have needed to do something extra?

debian@debian:~$ chmod +x ~/Downloads/MU4_242551809_Lin_24644_/.AppImage
chmod: cannot access '/home/debian/Downloads/MU4_242551809_Lin_24644_/.AppImage': No such file or directory
debian@debian:~$ chmod +x ~/Downloads/MU4_242552054_Lin_24649_/.AppImage
chmod: cannot access '/home/debian/Downloads/MU4_242552054_Lin_24649_/.AppImage': No such file or directory

In reply to by Chris Sugden

Hm, maybe when you download them they go to a different folder than ~/Downloads...

The difficulty is that I have Ubuntu, not Debian, and although Ubuntu is based on Debian, I have no idea what Debian even looks like. So it's difficult to provide very useful guidance. But here's another attempt:

In Ubuntu, making files executable can also be done via the UI. You right-click on the file, then choose Properties, go to Permissions, and enable "Allow executing file as program". This is the chmod +x step. Maybe it's similar on Debian?
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-09-12 om 17.26.39.png

Then to run the AppImage, just double-click it.

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

Thanks again . . . . The files are all definitely in the downloads folder.
I have already tried the GUI permissions granted approach but that didn't work either.

Incidentally, I note that your AppImage file name is different from mine, in terms of the numbering. I don't know if that's significant, but I'll try following your suggestions again, with the numbering I have for my downloaded AppImage file, and let you know the outcome.

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