DrumSet Patterns plugin does not work

• Sep 8, 2024 - 13:38

Hello, The DrumSet Patterns plugin https://musescore.org/en/project/drumset-patterns doesn't work for me on Musescore 4.4 and neither on Musescore 4.4.1, if anyone knows how to fix it. Thank you


In reply to by graffesmusic

When I run it on Linux Mint this is the error that appears:
20:19:29.042 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: muse://extensions/v1/drumsetpatterns-main/drumsetpatterns.qml?action=main
20:19:29.042 | ERROR | main_thread | ExtPluginRunner::run | Failed to load QML file: /MuseScore4/Plugins/DrumsetPatterns-main/DrumsetPatterns.qml
20:19:29.042 | ERROR | main_thread | ExtPluginRunner::run | "file:///MuseScore4/Plugins/DrumsetPatterns-main/DrumsetPatterns.qml:6 module \"QtQuick.Dialogs\" version 1.2 is not installed\n"
I'm looking for how to install the version of \"QtQuick.Dialogs\" version 1.2

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