Note to rest spacing - how to achieve better spacing

• Sep 9, 2024 - 10:53


I have tried using both minimum bar length and/or note spacing to try and get more space between a note (in this case the last 1/16 (semiquaver) note and an quarter (crotchet) note rest in a bar of 2/4 comprising quaver-semiquaver-semiquaver , crotchet rest. Even setting minimum bar size at 15 and minimum note to note at 1.0 does not give automatically what I was looking for. Manual moving the rest is possible - but for a long orchestral score not really practical - please, is there a solution?


MuseScore is spacing segments of equal rhythmic size equally, which is IMO the right starting point:
It's basically the same if you increase the note spacing:
One thing I have noticed is that the crochet rest is optically a bit off-centre. This is even more obvious if you put notes over the top of the rests:
Perhaps there's a tweak we should make there, which would help.

If you want to see more of a difference than that, then it may be enough to expose note-to-rest padding as a separate setting. At the moment it just follows the minimum note distance setting.

A workaround might be to increase the leading distance for rests which follow notes, but it's probably hard to apply that universally in a way that's efficient without also causing unwanted side effects. (But the selection filter might help: see the right-click menu, then Select > More... > Same duration, etc.)

"is there a solution?" - Probably, but without seeing the score (the .mscz file) and a more detailed description of what it is you are looking for (how much "more space"?) it is difficult [Edit - unless you are oktophonie :-) ] to suggest one.

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