English Version

• Sep 13, 2024 - 10:02

The default version of museScore 4 I purchased contains sections in Arabic
I cant read it. lol
How do I download a new one in English?I


This forum is on the musescore.org website which deals only with the Musescore music notation editor. That application is free. You can download it without any payment from here https://musescore.org/en/download.

When you install the application you are asked which language you would like to use. The language can be changed later by going to Edit>Preferences>General and selectin the language.


If you purchased something, it was possibly a subscription to the score sharing website musescore.com https://musescore.com/ If you need help with that you should ask on that site. Here may be a good place to start https://help.musescore.com/

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