Duplicated sound / jump in volume during rests with MuseSounds Sopranos

• Sep 13, 2024 - 11:09

Good morning!

I am experiencing this problem during playpack with MuseSounds Choir: using Sopranos or Women creates an extra sound during the rest. This behaviour is observed in the MuseScore 4.4.1. When a different instrument, like Violin 1 (Solo) or Harpsichord, is selected from MuseSounds, this problem does not appear; using the MS Basic soundfont (instrument ‘Choir Aahs’) results in expected behaviour, too. Therefore, I believe that there is a bug that causes the Sopranos volume level to jump up at the end of the note duration instead of decaying at the same rate.


OS: Arch Linux, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.1-242490810, revision: 0b3dd00. MuseSounds version (x64) with the latest (as of 2024-09-13) ‘Choir’ collection.

The enclosed .mscz file contains the minimal working example, and the video capture illustrated the problem. I could not attach the MP4 due to the file format restrictions for attachments, hence the 20-second video is zipped. In case it does not work, the OGG audio showcases the problem.

Yours sincerely,

Attachment Size
extra-note-bug.mscz 20.52 KB
bug-muse-sounds-sopranos-screen-recording.zip 399.4 KB
jump.png 226.81 KB
jump.ogg 127.8 KB

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