harmonica tab plugin
Hi all,
just updated musescore, but my harmonica tab plugin doesn't work any more. I downloaded it again, making sure it is the version 4 plugin, copied it in the plugin folder, refreshed the plugins in the menu "plugins/manage plugins", then activated it.
I open a score, and in the "plugin" menu, I just have "launch plugin()". If I click on it, I just have an empty window that opens.
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance.
Almost all plugins don't worn in MuseScore 4.4 anymore, some can be made to work with minor effort others with major effort or not at all
In reply to Almost all plugins don't… by Jojo-Schmitz
Try this one. Only works in 4.4 (and tested only on Linux). Will be broken again in MS4.5
In reply to Try this one. Only works in… by graffesmusic
Didn't work though :-)
But I reinstalled a version 3.x.
What's the point in proposing updates if some features aren't working, though??
Have a great day all.
In reply to Thanks! Didn't work though :… by ymeerbergen
Strange; Works Ok over here with 4.4.2. What was the behaviour?
edit: tested on Windows 4.4.2 => also works.
In reply to Strange; Works Ok over here… by graffesmusic
It would be nice if someone could confirm working or not working on his system. Thanks
In reply to It would be nice if someone… by graffesmusic
Works for me, windows 10, musescore 4.4.2
In reply to Works for me, windows 10,… by gustebus10
Much appreciated, thank you.
In reply to Try this one. Only works in… by graffesmusic
This one works for me ! Mac OS Sequoia 15.1.1, iMac M3. Thanks a lot, very appreciated. Is there a way that, when I launch it, to set Blues Harp as a default ? It always open "Chromatic".
In reply to This one works for me ! Mac… by harmodancabana
Open with text editor and search for (line 168 approx)
ComboBox {
id: comboBox2
currentIndex: 11
model: ListModel {
change to index 0 (zero)
currentIndex: 0
In reply to Try this one. Only works in… by graffesmusic
Thanks for sharing.
The original autor seems to not support the plugin anymore on github (last commit is 6 years old.).
Is there a new official repository to contribute to this plugin ?
In reply to Thanks for sharing. The… by lcaumont2
I have a fork https://github.com/diedeno/harmonica_tablature
But nothing official of course. The original author (lasconic) is not involved in MuseScore anymore.
In reply to I have a fork https://github… by graffesmusic
Or mine, https://github.com/Jojo-Schmitz/harmonica_tablature/