New bars should be automatically added at the end if " repeat note" action is applied.

• Sep 18, 2024 - 21:33

I'm aware that some people use r to repeat a certain bar, usually a drumming pattern, and fill the score till the end. That is the reason, i am told in a discussion with MarcSabatella link here , that the actions r and t do not allow for automatically adding a new measure at the end. This, however comes at a cost of hindering the writing flow when reaching the end measure and need to continue, say with a tied note.

Having to manually add a measure (even using ctrl+b) does not allow to seemlessly continue with the writing process when you reach the last measure since, by the way it is implemented, is still does not allow for using r or t without some extra manipulation back to the last inserted note. ALl this, i feel, hinders the flow of thewriting/composing process.

What if there is a "fill to end" action that covers the forementioned use case, therfore liberating the need to restrict r and t actions from adding a new measure? (sort of the best of both world solution i think)

As suggested by Sabatella, I'm throwing hte idea here and we would like to hear your opinions about the matter:

Do you prefer to have a more efficient "fill to end" action and so allowing r and t add a new measure ? or would you prefer to keep the current limitation on r and t that prohibits adding new measure?


Aside: don't really care, but the idea mentioned in the other post to retain the current selection after having added additional measures sounds like a good idea and seems like there'd be no reason not to have the program function that way - probably in itself worth a singular suggestion on github.

In reply to by worldwideweary

On Repeat action: Yes. Preferably append bars as default. Or maybe a popup to allow user to choose "trim content" or "append bars" (redirect to use paste action) ? Or just notify trimming happened so that I can undo and prepare enough empty bars? Unwanted trimming happens a lot when i duplicate long drumming pattern (~ 8 bars). Maybe repeat action is not designed for pattern duplication like that and I should switch to use copy-paste?

On Tie action: Tough one. Relationship between rhythm input, bar line and tie on a notation editor is complicated. I usually append loads of empty bars (~50) like an idiot before write anything, and append more once i got a chance.

@.ash86 wrote

> the actions r and t do not allow for automatically adding a new measure at the end [of the score]. This comes at a cost of hindering the writing flow when reaching the end measure and need to continue, say with a tied note.

> Do you prefer to have a more efficient "fill to end" action and so allowing r and t add a new measure ?

Yes. I'd like to have r and t append new measures to the end of a score, as needed. Why not? (If undesired undo is a one stroke fix.) And Paste works this way when the length of the paste exceeds the last bar of a score. So the logic seems in kind.

I thought perhaps the lack of the recommended functionalities were more regressions, but on investigating I was surprised that they are not in MS3 either.


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