Want to sync youtube video with musescore sheet

• Sep 23, 2024 - 13:43

I think I have a perfect transcription of the song "Sparkle" by radwimps:

Since its only an instrumental version, and musescore's instruments dont sound the best, I wanted to sync the score up with a youtube video and use said audio for the score instead of musescore's.
This is the video:
The start and stop time align perfectly (at least according to youtube's timings) so I don't think it'll be a huge hassle if its posible.


In reply to by hellomu

This .com function is called Audio Source and presently the only "source" option is youTube. I'm quite surprised we can't yet use Audio.com as a source!

The following score contains only melody, which I synced with a youTube performance.

For a better view click the link located below the video:

Gortavale Rock – Cathal Hayden & Sean Og Graham Gortavale Rock by scorster

I'll try to find the Source Audio "documentation page" and will post when I do ... but be advised, although the potential is huge and the results can be satisfying:

    • there are annoying glitches in adding measure markers
    • playback "cursor" occasionally falls out of sync, but weeks later everything is fine again
    • the playback "cursor" doesn't follow repeats and jumps in the score, which makes for a very misleading situation ... as seen in the video I posted which falls out of sync after the 1st ending.

The short "how to" answer is:

First uploaded your score to museScore.com, then
   • view your score on museScore.com
   • on the right side click the More (...) menu and choose Edit Audio Source
   • then you can choose the youTube video
   • then set measure markers and save

I don't recall clearly, but I think I figured it out purely by painful trial and error. There's no mention of the feature here in the sparse MuseScore.com documentation

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