ver,4.4.2 Tuplets

• Sep 29, 2024 - 14:10

Hi everyone, Im new to MuseScore so please excuse my lack of knowledge.
ve just downloaded the latest ver of the app, 4.4.2 and i just cant get the tuplets to work as described. Ive tried all the ways shown to get a crotchet triplet into the first 2 beats of a bar of common time and whilst I can select it and get the 3 bracket showing i can enter th first crotchet bur the when trying to enter the second crotchet it displays a pair of tied quavers ? .The third crotchet enters ok. Ive tried deleteing and re entering and Ive even deleted the app and re installed it .This is driving me nuts can anyone help please


I do not completly understand what you mean, especially with the third crotchet.
A 4/4 measure can only have two triplets written with crotchets. You must select a minim note or rest to create crotchet triplets ,,,

Write these triplets in this way:


I am also a new user and found entering tuplets confusing... after a little patience I realised that I need to be careful what is actually selected when hitting the tuplet button.

Whilst there are multiple ways to do this, I found the easiest way is to create a rest for the length of the desired tuplet (in your case a crotchet rest) then make sure that is selected when you hit the tuplet button, that should create 3 rests with the triplet bracket which you can then insert notes into.

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