Tuplets on 5 beats

• Oct 5, 2024 - 18:39

I am in a 6/4 time signature and wanted to write 5 beats in a measure as 15ths tuplets (with half notes marking), I had 5/4 that i could mark with 5 quarter notes divided into triplets or with multiples. But if i want to write that as a string of 15 notes it doesn't allow me since you can only put a tuplet on a note that can be notes as a single beat of some length, but not tied to another note. For example, a dotted note or a double dotted note can be separated, but there's no way of marking 5 beats with a single symbol.


Do you mean like this? I think there's a Plugin (Advanced Tuplets) that can do it.

"but there's no way of marking 5 beats with a single symbol."
Yes there is. Make a 5/4 bar and turn its whole-bar rest (5 beats) into a tuplet. Or, temporarily change the actual duration of your 6/4 bar to 5 beats, make your tuplet and then change it back again to 6 beats.

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