Default selection option (in case a whole bar is selected instead of a single rest/note)
Adding rehearsal marks or system text to my scores regularly ends up in a system note by Musescore to select items with more accuracy and to pick a specific bar or rest for this. Even though I deeply understand this and see the necessity of such an allocation, I regularly dream of a default option for my fails like in here🙃😶🌫️:
It looks like your wish may have been at least partially answered already. See It doesn't actually say it applies to rehearsal marks but perhaps you can test it in the latest NIghtly.
In reply to It looks like your wish may… by SteveBlower
...hmm, it still doesn't work even after updating on 4.4.3. I still get the same error notice when trying to add a rehearsal mark or a tempo mark to the first bar (until selecting a rest/note): "Please select a rest or note and try again".
In reply to ...hmm, it still doesn't… by
It is not in 4.4.3 but will be in the next update. If you want to try it now before the next update, download the (potentially unstable) nightly (i.e. most recent) development version from here
In reply to It is not in 4.4.3 but will… by SteveBlower
...ah ok, sorry! Anyway: just tried it with the latest nightly (OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243340401, revision: d99f6ab) - but it didn't work there as well. I again got the error notice described above🤷
In reply to ...ah, got you wrong, sorry!… by
FWIW in 4.4.3 I can select a blank measure and add a rehearsal mark or system text.