line breaks

• Nov 8, 2024 - 01:55

1) I am NOT a musician.
2) I use public domain tunes, into which I insert my own lyrics.
3) My editor (who works far away) asks that I "insert line breaks".
What are line breaks, and how do I insert them into a manuscript that is otherwise complete?

Attachment Size
We're Told to Trust in God.musicxml 98.95 KB


A "line break" in MuseScore terms is the System break that you used at the end of the first, second, fourth, and fifth system. You will want to discuss with him exactly where he wants the line breaks. He may be saying that you should have slightly longer or shorter systems (that is, have more or fewer measures in each system). Ask him to tell you more specifically what he wants. Specifically, where he wants the line breaks.

In addition, you should probably remove the frame with the Page break that is the entire contents of the second page. It serves no purpose at all, at all.

Dear Alex,
I have looked at (and listened to) your Hymn.
The last bar (17) is just sitting by itself on a new
line. Maybe you could bring it up to join the previous line.
If you highlight the whole of the line before and bar 17
then press Shift+bracket (the one next to the letter "P")
this will begin to reduce the whole section and after
a few reductions the last bar will pop up to the last line.
While we are about it - the bracket sign next to the
first one will do the opposite and spread the notes
slightly. Repeated pressing of this bracket will spread
the notes a little further - if you ever want that.

These are line breaks:
MuseScore 3_ We're Told to Trust in God.png
To insert them, simply select the measure you want to leave last in the line and press enter. Or delete them ...

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