Audio Imperia Solo plays staccato

• Nov 25, 2024 - 21:34

Is this the right place to raise this?

Audio Imperia Solo instruments all sound at times as if they are playing staccato, though it appears intermittent. If it's happening I can't make it stop, no matter what I do. If I switch to literally anything else, including the same solo instrument in Audio Imperia Nucleus, the staccato disappears and everything plays legato. One way to make it happen concistently is to take an existing MuseScore piece and change the instrument to Audio Imperia Solo. With a new piece it happens on semi-quavers consistently, but not on longer notes.

The tone of the Solo solo instruments is excellent, but this makes them unusable - apart from genuine staccato passages.

(I accept I may be missing something completely here. I have little experience of music notation software, but I have been using MuseScore for a year and nothing like thi shas foxed me before.)



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