Allow For Quick Open & Close of Pallets
Sometimes I open a pallet adjacent to the one I need, and my instinct is to close it immediately. There is a cooldown on the pallet title that stops me from quickly "un-doing" the opening of the un-needed pallet by re-clicking it the instant I realize I opened the wrong one. SO, every time I, in my desire to work quickly, move too fast and end up opening the wrong pallet, I have to pause and wait before I can actually close it so it doesn't take up all that space that I need to view the actual target pallet. Every time this happens, it slightly interrupts my mental workflow because I wasn't expecting the pause, and many times this has caused me to lose ideas and have to regain my train of thought.
I don't think anybody works with more than 1 or 2 pallets open, especially when you regularly pull from just about all the ones you can put in there, because if you have too many open then you have to scroll to find what you want instead of just clicking on the desired pallet. It's about efficiency for me I guess haha. I'm a university student studying composition and I spend roughly 8-10 hours a week on Musescore.
I understand that perhaps this cooldown exists for those people who instinctively double-click everything, but that instinct is easily re-trained, and computers in general have shifted almost completely to single-clicks, only using double-clicks for files and stuff. Hence, I think one would find that most people wouldn't even have this habit of double-clicking anymore in the first place.
Removing this cooldown would be really really really nice for those who commonly make the mistake of opening the wrong pallet.
You can set the palettes so that a single-click opens them and only one opens at a time. Then - when you click on the wrong palette - just click on the palette you want and the other one closes.
Select the Palettes tab and click on the three little dots for options.