[SOLVED] MuseScore 4.4.3 Audio does not work on Ubuntu Linux 24.10

• Dec 6, 2024 - 07:38

[EDIT: See solution in comment below]

Good day. Thank you for your help in advance.

I am trying to use MuseScore 4.4.3 on Ubuntu 24.10. I have installed using the latest official Appimage download from the Musescore.org downloads page, as that is the only series 4.x download option available for this operating system.

I am completely unable to get any sound or playback to work. If I press play, the blue playback line just stays put, and no audio works at all.

If I go to "Preferences > Audio & Midi" there is only one option available under Audio device, namely "System default". Choosing different buffer or sample values does nothing. Please see attached screenshot.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I would be greatly appreciative of any help. Thank you again.

Attachment Size
Screenshot From 2024-12-06 09-36-25.png 62.24 KB



Ok, digging around on Reddit helped me find a fix:

  1. The package pipewire-alsa needs to be installed. The easiest is to run the terminal command: sudo apt install pipewire-alsa and enter your password. Alternatively, install "Synaptic Package Manager", search for pipewire-alsa, and install it.
  2. After this, for some reason, you also need to rename the .asoundrc file in your home directory. Open up the file manager, make hidden files visible using Ctrl+H or in file manager settings, then search for .asoundrc. I renamed the file to .asoundrc-backup and restarted Musescore. It works now.

I wonder if there is a fix that needs to happen in Musescore so that a less tech-savvy user could just use it without having to dig around on the internet to find these steps? I do hope the devs take pity on us.

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