RAM + CPU for Apple's new M4 Mac Mini or iMac

• Dec 7, 2024 - 13:43

I am debating how much RAM/CPU to get for my composing endeavors. In addition to MuseScore I also use Dorico and Notion 6 occasionally. Has anyone here had recent experience with the new Apple M4 chip? Would the new Apple M4 chip with 16GB be enough to run MuseScore effectively? I work with mainly large scale orchestral scores and for the time being, use the Muse Sounds sound libraries. Currently I have an "archaic" Intel computer with 8GB. Any Ideas or advice would be helpful. Thanks.


The official recommendations for hardware are listed on the Downloads page (https://musescore.org/en/download) at the bottom. I believe (?) that some individuals have been able to install and run MuseScore on computers that do not meet those System Requirements. However, I also believe (?) that they have often had to "fiddle" things and work hard to get it to run on those lower-powered computers.

Personally, I go as far above those System Requirements as I can afford.

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