Switching time signatures and readjusting measures
I imported a PDF and the time signature was incorrect. I changed it back, but my measures are all off and have extra rests in them. How do I adjust this without having to input all the notes again with the correct timing?
In a measure that has this problem, make sure that the correct notes are in the correct voices and are placed at the beginning of the measure. You want the rests at the end of the measure. Once you have this, right-click on the measure (not on any note or rest, but on blank space within the measure). From the context menu, click Measure properties and set the Actual duration to the correct value. It will remove the extra notes/rests from the end of the measure ... which is why you want to be sure you have the right notes at the beginning of the measure.
It is often the case that simply manually entering the piece will go faster and more accurately than scanning a .PDF file.