How to convert backup file into a readable file

• Dec 14, 2024 - 13:11

So a few days ago, I accidentally deleted a file from my recycling bin. While I had multiple backups of the file, the version I deleted was the latest version. (I know. I'm stupid.)

To recover it I used Disk Drill and managed to find a few files related to the piece I lost.

Upon ispection, none of them were the correct version. However, one file stood out. A backup file named .Sonata in Db Major No3.mscz~. It seems like the correct file because it has a larger file size, suggesting it might be the latest version (?)

The problem is that Musescore can't read this file in its current state and I was wondering how I can convert or restore this backup file into a readable format for MuseScore.


Rename the file from ".Sonate in Db-Dur Nr. 3.mscz~" in "Sonate in Db-Dur Nr. 3.mscz".
The leading dot is not critical, while the ending '~' must be removed.

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