Notation basics

• Dec 20, 2024 - 01:47

Hi all, and thanks in advance.
Are these two notation variants equivalent and correct, or is, like in Animal Farm, one is more correct than the other.

Attachment Size
1.png 2.27 KB
2.png 2.62 KB


As you are beaming your 4 1/8 notes together, it means that the "beat" has a duration of 1/2 note.
Therefore the first notation doesn't help reading the rhythm and the second one is better.

If, on the other hand, you were beaming your 1/8 notes by group of 2, then the beat would have a duration of 1/4 note.
In that case the first version (with no beam between note 2 and 3, just the tie) is better as it preserves the beat.

Still in that scenario where 1/8 notes are beamed by 2 (beat of 1/4 note): if your rhythm is repeated for several measures then prefer version 2 as it is lighter.
Yes it wouldn't preserve the beat but preserving the beat is mainly useful when all measures have a note on each beat and this one is a sudden exception. Then using tie to keep a note displayed on the beat helps reading. If that pattern is repeated for several measures then the musician can "enter" in that mood and the heavier notation with tie isn't necessary anymore.

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