Multiple endings

• Dec 28, 2024 - 17:17

I don't understand the documentation dealing with multiple endings. I've been working on a song with a chorus and five verses. Usually the score would show an ending for verses 1 through 4 and then the final ending for verse 5 and the chorus. I tried editing the the number in ending one open and closed but I couldn't find a way to do it. The handbook talks about complex endings but I don't understand the method. I also don't understand multiple repeats.

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Black Velvet Band.mscz 43.44 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, that is the way I want it. I didn't understand from the instructions how to make the voltas' lists so I could edit the numbers. The other change would be deleting ending 5 as shown and making the last measure ending 5. Another question, If the verses don't begin on a pickup note, will numbering the verses at the first measure also work to allow voltas editing?

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