How to add a harmony voice a chord--tone above/below the melody voice

• Jan 1, 2025 - 21:05

There must be an easy way to add a harmony voice above or below the melody voice.
Of course, I'd have to go over it to look for any adjustments required by non-enharmonic chords.
But is there an easy way to copy voice-1, paste it in as voice-2, then raise it by a third for instance?
Maybe some plug-in has been developed for this.


In reply to by SteveBlower

That's great! I didn't know about the "Add Interval" option.
Now, how would I get the top notes to be voice-1 and the bottom notes to be voice-2?
From that point, I believe there are lots of HowTo's showing how to split the voices into individual staffs.

The problem is that "a chord-tone above" another notes is sometimes a major third (4 half tones) away, other times it is a minor third (3 half tones) away, and still other times it is a perfect fourth (5 half tones) away. This is the nature of chords and octaves. I'm unaware of any way to do it except "by hand": that is, inspect the work, figure out that the melody note is, at this point the xth of the chord and from that determine that the "chord tone above" it is ... whatever.

Easy to do by a human, I've never seen any way to automate the task. (Perhaps someone will tell me I'm wrong?)

In reply to by TheHutch

Duly noted, thanks. I'd expect I'd have to do the checking and adjusting manually. But SteveBlower's method above might get me going, and a playback of the 2 lines with the chords should point out where the problems are. OTOH, maybe I'll find out I should have just done it manually and get on with business. ;-)
I still face the issue of how to get the top notes defined as voice-1, and the bottom notes defined as voice-2.

In reply to by Brer Fox

That would move both notes from Voice 1 to Voice 2. OP wants to move only the 'next-chord-tone-up' note to another Voice. Thus, they would have to manually select the notes (ugh!) and change them to Voice 2 with Ctrl+Alt+2.

Basically, it can be done, but not easily and automagically.

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