Changing fonts for multi measure rests and time signatures
Is it possible to add a feature that changes the fonts of time signatures and of multi-measure rests? I know that there is a plan to introduce big time signatures, and I think that I would take away from it, if we cannot make it look Hollywood style.
I also think that the same should apply to multi-measure rests, but only because I am not entirely with the way the number above the "H" bar looks. (No offense)
You can change the font, but only as a whole, not just for particular elements
In reply to You can change the font, but… by Jojo-Schmitz
I know that I can change the musical symbols font, but I was referring to things that are more text related. For example, if I wanted to change a time signature from finale maestro to Engraver time, or Times new roman, I would like to be able to do so.
In reply to And what would this mean,… by collynw9
These are musical symbols so taken from that font.
In reply to These are musical symbols so… by Jojo-Schmitz
So we cannot customize the font of time signatures or multi-measure rests, even if you added a feature for it? I kind of think that would take away from finally getting big time signatures if you can't make them look professional.
In reply to So we cannot customize the… by collynw9
Pick a musical symbols font.
In reply to Pick a musical symbols font. by Jojo-Schmitz
I don't think you are entirely understanding what I'm saying.
I would like to know if it is possible to add a feature that customizes the fonts of the time signatures, for example in dorico.
In reply to I don't think you are… by collynw9
I don't think sue a feature request will be successful
In reply to I don't think sue a feature… by Jojo-Schmitz
So if I'm understanding correctly, you can add big time signatures to your scores, but you can't make them look Hollywood style,
And if you wanted to, you'd still have to use the plugin? That makes the new "big time signatures" function, sort of redundant, if you can do much with it...
In reply to So if I'm understanding… by collynw9
Sorry, you lost me, I have no idea what you're talking about now, what big time signatures and plugins have to to do with what font to use
In reply to Sorry, you lost me, I have… by Jojo-Schmitz
Did you not read my original post?
I was saying if you are trying to make your time signatures Hollywood style, you would have to use the Big Time (or now large time signatures since Musescore 4.3) to make them look that way. This makes the big-time signatures feature that you will be adding in Musescore 4.5 redundant if you cannot customize it.
In reply to Did you not read my original… by collynw9
The title and the 1st sentence talk about changing the font used for time signature and multimeasure rests.
And those change along with the musical font that is set for the score.
In reply to The title talks about… by Jojo-Schmitz
Can we differentiate them, so that they don't?
Is it possible for them to become their own element, so that we can customize them, in order to make them more professional? Like how they added page number for styles instead of just header and footer. Or just add a film scoring template to musescore instead.
What is Hollywood style? Never heard it before.
W've played quite some "Hollywood film music" in our symphony orchestra but so far I've not come across anything special in this type of music.
A few pictures would be useful to illustrate what you are after.
In reply to What is Hollywood style… by TomStrand
Here is an extract of the first page from the score of Jedi Survivor, a Star Wars game, partially composed in Finale. Notice how the multi-measure rest and the time signature aren't the same as the supposed musical symbols font that was used; engraver.
In reply to Here is an extract of the… by collynw9
The time signature is certainly big, but whether the glyphs used are from a different font than the rest isn't clear at all from that image
In reply to The time signature is… by Jojo-Schmitz
Actually, it is. The default font from engraver has the same font of time signatures as finale maestro. The composer switched it from engraver time, to make the time signature larger. You can check it here:…
In reply to Here is an extract of the… by collynw9
Ok, the time signature is very large. Not what I've seen before. To me it even disturbs the readability of the score, but if that's what's used so be it.
I cannot say if this is possible in Musescore but in Lilypond which I also use, it wouldn't be a problem.
In reply to Ok, the time signature is… by TomStrand
There is a plugin here: (I haven’t tried it as I don’t need it.)
In reply to There is a plugin here:… by Brer Fox
Well I already have the plugin, and it works fine, but it would be great if that would be a built in feature for Musescore, as it messes with the part writing, and makes the parts (in comparison to the score) impossible to read
In reply to Well I already have the… by collynw9
There is already a feature request for this on Github -
In reply to There is already a feature… by SteveBlower
Thanks. I was just adding the post to see if it was possible for them to give us more control over the scores look. But I guess not…
In reply to Thanks. I was just adding… by collynw9
Not yet...