Custom Actions with Similar Functionality as Reaper's (DAW) "Action List"
I am making this Request to have the flexibility to easily customize doing "Actions" In Muse Score Studio. Please take your time carefully reading and understand that I understand the amount of work required for such a feature do to the shear nature of the feature. While I don't expect this anytime soon. This is a really great system for handling Shortcuts for actions and allows for every user to make Muse Score there own.
Add in all functions such as "T" for Tieing notes, and "S" for Slur/phrase markings as customizable Hot Keys. This is where all the default keys are as well as every other function in the daw. Custom actions can also be made. Not assigned context items I believe are also listed.
Actions such as "add staccato to selected note(s)" should be considered.
A Filter Bar to search via name of actions should be available as in Reaper to help find actions.
Multiple Keyboard/Midi inputs can be mapped to an action and if it is already assigned, warn User and ask if they want to confirm or cancel (Allow for flexibility). (See "Action List.Png")
With the "Find Shortcut" (See "Action List - Find Shortcut.png) Button. a Dialog box appears where when pressing the shortcut keys, taking you to the action, otherwise state that no shortcut exist. This really helps if you know the shortcut but A) want to change it fast, B) Not sure what it does and want to find out, or C) need to recall said function as needed.
I highly urge anyone who is working on this to actually download Reaper and either under preferences, Action List or using "Shift, ?" check out how this works because while it isn't the prettiest of interfaces (Reaper is slowly getting better with that), it is possibly the best Functionality I've ever seen in any program for Hot Key Customization (Actions). From a users perspective. we need to be able to customize our work environment as best as possible.
The Default keys should be set up as to what they are now so they do not confuse current users or tweaked as needed to make sense to new users. Actions should not be reset to default upon updating. With an exception of an action being removed. That way the changes made earlier aren't reset to default every single update making it pointless to even set custom actions or change default options.
This is why I would strongly look at Reapers Action List and consider implementing something of the like into MS (Muse Score). I don't know what kind of work that is required on MS's (Muse Score's) back end but I do know that a lot of people are asking for better customization to the platform so it doesn't feel so limiting. This also applies from Composers moving over from other Notation Programs say Sibelius or Dorico or some other Program. This allows them the flexibility to customize every persons work flow.
Also Please consider making User Presets/profiles that can be changed (See "Action List - Selection") so if a person prefers a different workflow for editing scores or wants to sketch ideas out with different shortcuts for actions, a user could set up/change to a different profile. It would be smart to also have a way to copy said profiles to different slots to start with. So when setting individual profiles the leg work doesn't need to be done again. (Maybe this can be saved somewhere where if users wanted to send say a .txt document and drop it into the same directory, upon reloading Muse score, the .txt document can be accessed in the Preset selection screen. (Some things in Reaper are handled as such ie. User Templates)). (Note, I am a Windows User on Windows 10 as of writing this on the most up to date stable version of MS version 4.4.4).
*Some Final Notes. Reaper allows people to create custom ReaScripts for customization. While I won't go into detail on ReaScripts here. Just understand that this allows Reaper users to set actions for custom reaper functionality (Custom actions appear in Action list).
Also for some reason. Reaper separates the Midi Editor in the Daw from Main Action as per the developers wishes (of Reaper). I don't know if that needs to be implemented as I think it was a way to allow customization to Midi actions vs normal action not in the midi editor. (The Midi editor in Reaper is either a floating window or docked).
I will check on this post from time to time so if there are any questions from the dev team. I will answer as best as I can and I will try to answer when I can. For all other users. If a question is brought up. I'll answer this as needed as I cannot promise to be on top of this forum all the time. Life and all. My Goal is to help Muse Score Studio become it's best form (From my perspective) as a tool to write music Notation as Flexibly and as Fast as possible with all the "bells and whistles" needed. This is my take on How to approach Actions. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and have a wonderful day/night where ever and when ever you are.
Attachment | Size |
Action List.png | 84.53 KB |
Action List - Find Shortcut.png | 95.04 KB |
Action List - Options.png | 15.01 KB |
Action List - Selection.png | 21.79 KB |
Can you summarize how your proposal differs from the customization facility already present edit / preferences / shortcuts?