
• Jan 16, 2025 - 08:39

Hello. I couldn't wait for the letter in the mail, so I'm writing here. On January 15, money was written off from my card for a subscription to your service (Pro + Learn Lite - $84.99). Initially, I authorized through your website. But after an unsuccessful attempt to attach a card, I downloaded your application and continued there. The next day, I canceled the subscription. Now my money has been taken. Please return it. I am not interested in the offers you sent me earlier. I am waiting for your response.


In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you, Cadiz. It’s been a day since I’ve sent them email. I am writing to all social media pages. However it seems like they are not gonna answer. If you have any opportunities to contact them, can you please let them know. I don’t have other ways. I’m constantly checking my email and other pages.

In reply to by raziya972013

"If you have any opportunities to contact them"
Sorry, no. As said, I'm just a volunteer and lambda user of MuseScore Studio. I (and we, on have no particular contact or facilities or opportunities or privileges or anything else with the team
You and I, as MuseStudio users, are strictly on an equal footing in this respect.

"It’s been a day since I’ve sent them email"

A day? It's really nothing, very insufficient. And given that support isn't the most responsive (from what I can read), well, count rather on a few days, or a week, or more. In a word, pa-tien-ce.
And as a final tip: intervening again on this forum for this problem will do nothing to speed things up, believe me. Hang in there!

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