Scores Not Deleting
I have some scores that I want to get rid of because they won't let me access them and I have done all the normal ways to delete them but they won't let me. Any suggestions?
I have some scores that I want to get rid of because they won't let me access them and I have done all the normal ways to delete them but they won't let me. Any suggestions?
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MuseScore cannot delete scores. Use whatever your OS has to offer for deleting files (and scores are just that, files on disk)
Or do you mean the scores that are displayed on the start screen?
Then you can either delete all of them or none of them! However, the scores themselves remain on your computer, they are just no longer displayed in Musescore.
Unless you go into the depths of your (Windows) computer and edit the file "...\AppDate\Musescore\Musescore4\recent_file.json" with a text editor and delete the relevant lines there.