Can't open Palettes on newest version
I can't open the Palettes on the newest version of Musescore. I did tried everything, but it does not work.
I can't open the Palettes on the newest version of Musescore. I did tried everything, but it does not work.
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Try: Help > Revert to factory settings
In reply to Try: Help > Revert to… by DanielR
Hi, I did, it did not helped. I reinstalled Musescore as well, but the same problem exists.
HOW do you try to open the palettes?
In reply to HOW do you try to open the… by Pentatonus
I click on view and and then Palettes. If I click the Master Palettes, it opening, there is no problem with it. Other problem, some of my works I wrote quite a few years ago I can't open either, works I did on MuseScore. All this happened since the last update. Happily I did made Mp3, video and PDF of it, so do have it on backup.
In reply to HOW do you try to open the… by Pentatonus
If you have another way opening it, it will be great to learn!
In reply to If you have another way… by mdbperforminga…
What about opening the palettes with F9 on your computer keyboard?
In reply to What about opening the… by Pentatonus
I tried that as well, it doesn't work. I have Linux on my PC so it should work. Hopefully with the next update it will be corrected. At least I can open the Master Palettes. Its just space that is a bit of a problem on the screen, specially when you work with orchestral scores. At least I brought it under your attention. But still, its weird that this function suddenly does not work because it makes it easier, I find MuseScore a very friendly to work on. I think something just slip in.
In reply to I tried that as well, it… by mdbperforminga…
Are you using the AppImage as provided by MuseScore, or a 3rd-party build, like FlatPak?
In reply to Are you using the AppImage… by Jojo-Schmitz
Yes, I use it.
In reply to Are you using the AppImage… by Jojo-Schmitz
Sorry, its the FlatPak I'm using.
In reply to Sorry, its the FlatPak I'm… by mdbperforminga…
That is a) not supported here and b) known to have serious issues
In reply to Are you using the AppImage… by Jojo-Schmitz
I tried the other one, but it doesn't want to install for some reason.
In reply to I tried the other one, but… by mdbperforminga…
In general, you have to make AppImages ‘executable’ before they start. Right-click on the MuseScore icon, second tab ‘Access rights’, then tick ‘Allow the file to run as a program’ at ‘Execute’
(Sorry, my version is German, so the german screenshot)
In reply to In general, you have to make… by Pentatonus
Thank you very much! I'll try that!
In reply to I tried that as well, it… by mdbperforminga…
I have Linux Mint 22.1 and use the AppImage, no Problems here.
In reply to I have Linux Mint 22.1 and… by Pentatonus
Its the same version I have. Maybe I must reload Linux and it will resolve the problem. This is the last option because it takes quite a time to reload everything. I do have everything on backup, but time is a problem because I have a lot of writing to do and performances.