Open Volta 3 causes Musescore to crash when play is pressed
Dear MuseScore Support Team,
I was exploring the repeat functions of the MuseScore software (v3.6.2) and MuseScore began crashing whenever I pressed play.
I've been looking through the Musescore handbook and some of the posts about issues with MuseScore's software with regards to illegal repeat segments, however, I've mangaged to narrow down the source of my problem, which is actually unrelated (as far as I know) to incorrect repeat list entries, hence I thought I'd create a new post.
In the below 'Fantasy Life Medley (oca.)' file, when volta 3 (in red) of measure 22 of 'Elderwood' on page 6 is set to 'none' for 'end hook' under 'line text details' in the Inspector, playing the score results in the software crashing. Setting 'end hook' to 90 degrees however allows the score to play without error. Originally I believed the issue lied with 'Seaside Town Port Puerto' on page 5, except the volta 3 in measure 4 does not cause MuseScore to crash even when end hook is set to none, even despite the presence of a D.C. in measure 9 which I thought would be causing the problems from what I could gather from other discussions.
And yet, pasting Elderwood into a second score: '3rd Volta Open Crash Test' had volta 3 of measure 22's end hook set to 'none' without resulting in MuseScore crashing.
As a result, the evidence is conflicting as to what's going on. I accept MuseScore may be facing an overload of repeat commands, hence why the Crash test of Elderwood by itself tested no error. However I thought it worth inquiring.
I can still work around this and just set the volta in question to closed, even if this doesn't quite fit the music's segmentation.
Let me know what you think, when you get a chance.
Kind regards,
Mystical Wayfarer
Attachment | Size |
Fantasy Life Medley (oca.).mscz | 110.04 KB |
3rd Volta Open Crash Test.mscz | 15.12 KB |
Both of your files play fine in Musescore 3.7 Evolution. If your sticking with v3 it has loads of bug fixes over 3.6.2, might be worth an upgrade.
In 'Fantasy Life Medley' there is a horizontal frame and a section break on this frame between 'Elderwood' and 'Sea of Trees Theme' which causes the crash.
Delete the horizontal frame (and set the section break again if necessary) and it will no longer crash!
EDIT: no volta involved!
In reply to In 'Fantasy Life Medley'… by HildeK
Thank you very much, I’m grateful to you finding an alternate source of the problem that can be fixed instead. My only further query is why this horizontal frame causes this. I have been using them quite frequently throughout this score to stop the last few measures of each song from stretching extensively to fill the width of the page. I’m not sure if there is another way I can do this without causing a crash.
Edit: I am also curious as to why the horizontal frame for Seaside Town Port Puerto does not also cause a crash, as it is a very similar set up on page 5.
In reply to Thank you very much, I’m… by Mystical Wayfarer
It is the horizontal frame plus the section break.
And I don't know what the reason is either! I'm also not sure if this is the only reason for the crash. It is at least a bug in the software.
In any case, version 3.7 Evolution from Jojo-Schmitz no longer has this error.
In reply to It is the horizontal frame… by HildeK
Well I’ve downloaded v3.7 and we’re all good now. Thank you for your help!
In reply to Well I’ve downloaded v3.7… by Mystical Wayfarer
Actually, I’ve returned to 3.6.2 now as it happens that 3.7 contained more formatting issues (tempo note symbols too small/Volta numbers too big - requiring custom pallet symbol sizes etc that was too time consuming and so on plus piano keyboard issues) than the bugs that it fixed so I’ve simply removed the horizontal frame for the time being.
In reply to Actually, I’ve returned to 3… by Mystical Wayfarer
I'm not aware of any changes in those things
In reply to I'm not aware of any changes… by Jojo-Schmitz
In that case I’m not sure what’s going on. I thought it seemed a little odd. But if it is just me/my computer, then it’s no issue since Musescore 3.6.2 still works really well for me in all that I use it for and doesn’t have those problems other than that one Volta/frame glitch, so I’m happy to keep things as they were before.
In reply to In that case I’m not sure… by Mystical Wayfarer
The Fantasy Life Medley file became corrupt after using it in v3.7 and v4.4 around those measures in question, so I figured if I redid the whole section a new since it worked for the crash test score, then perhaps an unseen program issue causing the problem may be left behind. I’ll report on my findings at some point.
In reply to I'm not aware of any changes… by Jojo-Schmitz
The small tempo note issue has been around since the start of 3.7
The workaround is to change the note font from Edwin to Leland.
I've created a new issue:
In reply to The small tempo note issue… by rothers
Is that different from Mu4?
In reply to Is that different from Mu4? by Jojo-Schmitz
Don't use Mu4 Jojo but it's different from 3.6.2 from memory.
In reply to Don't use Mu4 Jojo but it's… by rothers
The question is whether Mu4 different from 3.7 here.
In reply to The question is whether Mu4… by Jojo-Schmitz
Here's what 4.4.4 does
Looks like 3.6.2
In reply to Here's what 4.4.4 does … by rothers
Ok, so apparently a bug in 3.7. wonder where and why
In reply to The small tempo note issue… by rothers
Other workaround: In Inspector Press "Reset Custom Formatting"
In 3.7 that is. If you do that on 3.6.2, you get the small quarter note symbol there
In reply to Other workaround: In… by Jojo-Schmitz
Seems to be a Windows 7 v Windows 10 issue here as well.
With "Reset Custom Formatting" in 3.7 and Windows 10 the workaround works fine however with 3.7 and Windows 7 I get this !
Might give another clue as to what's going on.