more "notes" per bar than the time sig allows
Could someone point me to where in the handbook it explains how to get for eg. all the notes in a scale (and looking like semibreves) into a bar of music that is in 4/4?
I've searched under 'education' and school but failed to think of the correct search phrase.
If you have more than one semibreve in a bar it isn't in 4/4.
But you can create a new time signature that it says 4/4 but is actually 32/4 which would allow 8 semibreves to fit in one bar. See
Alternatively, right-click in the measure (not on any note or rest; simply in blank space within the measure) and click Measure Properties... from the context menu that appears. Change the "Actual Duration" to 32/4 and type 16 half notes (I think that's a "semi-breve"?) in the measure.
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Write it out one whole note per bar. Range select the measures. Go to Tools>Measures and Join selected measures.