Audio not working for output device

• Jan 31, 2025 - 20:05

It only works fine via laptop audio but it sometimes glitches when i play the score music on musescore studio. So when i try to use the speaker and the headphones. the audio isnt coming out at all. how do i fix?


One common problem occurs if you change the output device while MuseScore Studio is running. That is, if you launch MuS, then unplug your speaker and plug in your headphones (or either one separately!), the sound may not work. If you want to change your output device, save your work, exit MuS completely, change the device (i.e., plug something in or unplug something or both), then launch MuS again.

I've been informed that this also happens (can happen?) on other notation applications, but I have no experience with any others.

I guess I'm not understanding what "laptop audio" is as opposed to playing "the score on musescore studio".

Anyway, what the Hutch says is true. However things may be changing...sort of.
It been the case for some time that you need to close MU4 change audio out put, then restart MU4. However I am noticing that in 4.4.4, it is possible to plug and unplug headphones and not have a problem. That is on Windows 11 on my system. Windows 10 that I have on a different computer is still a problem. I don't know if OS is the only difference. Who knows.

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