"This score has become corrupted and contains errors"

• Feb 1, 2025 - 03:03

Every time I go to save this score I am getting this message: "This score has become corrupted and contains errors". I looked at the measures and the part it says in corrupt and it looks just fine. There are 3 beats - on both the part and the entire score. But I figured I might as well try - I deleted the notes and re-entered brand new - still get the same message. Is there anything else I can try?

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Musescore error.png 76.12 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you so much for your detailed response. I did something else and got it to work. I just saved as a brand new file, then opened that file and the new file worked! Then I just copied the one instrument that was corrupt back into the original file and all is good. I also downloaded the very latest version of Musescore as I found a link that said the Repair Assistant is now built into the program.
In any case, thank you very much for taking the time to help me figure this out!

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