2.0 Beta 1 (Mac), MIDI, and Pedal

• Oct 25, 2014 - 14:39

I am using MuseScore version 2.0 BETA 1. When exporting to MIDI, the pedal marks on the score do not get exported. I know they used to in versions 1.2 and 1.3. Is there a place to officially report issues such as this?


Posting here first to make sure it isn't a misunderstanding is always a good idea, but when it has been axcertained that it is definitiely a bug, use the "Issue tracker" link in the menu at right of this page, or better yet, use "Help / Report a Bug" within MuseScore itself (which will fill in some details for you).

Meanwhile, I can confirm the bug exists in the latest build (on Linux, so it's not platform-dependent) - the pedal event is not making correctly into the MIDI file.

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