Gesucht: Musescore-Expertin für online-Kurs

• Feb 12, 2025 - 10:17

Für die Weiterbildung von Musiklehrpersonen suche ich eine Experten:in, um Einsteigern und Umsteigern (zB von Finale) musescore online (zoom oder teams) in einer kleinen Serie von online-Kursen die Anwendung näher zu bringen. Der Einsatz wird bezahlt. Erfahrung im Umgang mit Online-Kursen, sowie ein Kurskonzept wird vorausgesetzt. Interessierte und qualifizierte Experten:innen melden sich unter


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Nonetheless, Google Translate says:
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For the further training of music teachers, I am looking for an expert to introduce beginners and those switching (e.g. from Finale) to the use of musescore online (zoom or teams) in a small series of online courses. The work is paid. Experience in dealing with online courses, as well as a course concept is required. Interested and qualified experts can contact
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I would recommend that a course for beginners to MuseScore Studio would be radically different from a course for users switching from Finale (or another) to MuseScore Studio. You should plan on paying for the development of two entirely separate courses. And the expertise of the person designing the course for beginners would also be different (at least, in part) from the expertise of the person designing the course for users switching.

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