Midi and multi-timbral instruments - DAW like behaviour

• Mar 22, 2025 - 07:33

It is possible to use external instrument libraries within MU4.5.
One such library is the Orchestral Tools -> Berlin -> Free Orchestra.
This comes up with a control panel from which it is possible to select each instrument - the SINE player
If instruments are assigned using the control panel multiple copies will appear on the screen - which is inconvenient to say the least.

However if the same instrument library is used in a DAW, such as Logic, it is possible to use the SINE player as a multi-timbral instrument.
To do that set up a new instrument "track" in the DAW [Logic] and declare it as a multi-timbral instrument.
Link that instrument to the SINE player in the control strips.

Then in the SINE player, select the instruments wanted - in order, and load the articulations.
What that will do is to load each instrument patch to Midi channels within the multi-timbral instrument in ascending numeric order.

Then treat each individual track in the multi-timbral instrument as a separate instrument - and the appropriate sounds will be heard on playback.

Is it possible to use this kind of technique in MU4.5, assigning individual instruments to mult-timbral instrument patches in a VST library?
If so, how?

Currenly for VST libraries which present several instruments in this way it is possible to use multi-timbral players - such as SINE player to a limited extent. One way is to explicity link each score line with its own SINE player panel - but that will get very unwieldy very quickly for large scores.
The other way is to export the score to Midi, and use a DAW to sort out the multi-timbral instrument assignment.

If this could be done directly in MuseScore it would save having to output Midi and use a DAW in order to "play" instruments from a multi-timbral instrument library player.

So - is this possible?


Sorry, my memory of using SINE player and other VST players is fuzzy. But I don't remember having to leave players open once I assigned an instrument. Maybe I just minimized them. But I don't thinks so. MuseScore opened the players and they ran in the background. I had three VSTs That were supposed to be the best free available. I gave up on them Because they just weren't that good. But we each have our own idea of what is good. Good luck.

In reply to by bobjp

SINE player with this Free Orchestra library actually does work quite well in a DAW - though it's questionable whether all the instruments work together as well as the Muse Sounds ones. There are some really good instruments available within SINE player - for example the Crucible organ - that's excellent. I have also experienced some problems when trying to combine SINE player and its instruments with MuseScore, and sometimes for seemingly no very good reason notes turn on - then sustain - and then don't turn off.

Added complications arise with using SINE player if you want to use the articulations for each instrument. There are several ways to triggger articulations. For live playing the articulations can be switched around if the panels are left visible, though using a connected Midi controller can also work effectively Otherwise the most effective way may be to use additional staves to provide key switch controls - which is a bit of a faff, but can be made to work. It's only worth doing that with pieces which are "worth the effort", and with libraries which are good for sound and for the wanted articulations. Otherwise it's easier generally and often at least as good to just use the Muse Sounds libraries.

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