Muse Percussion not showing up :(

• Feb 21, 2025 - 17:48

I've had this muse sound for a while now for the Drum Kit and it has been working / sounding amazing. Today I loaded my project and for some reason Muse Percussion wasn't showing up? I redownloaded the sounds but it still won't show up. Everything was working fine yesterday


Mine stopped showing up as well, and I did the same thing as you. I checked the folder where all the Muse Sounds are and found them instantly, so I am confused as to why they aren't showing up. I also only had this problem today.

Muse Perc seems to be broken server side this time. as it is unable to be downloaded from Muse Hub at the moment, I see lots of reviews about this bug reoccurring on the Muse Hub application.

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