Audio change when uploading to

• Feb 22, 2025 - 14:02

I am running into this problem with each score I upload. Basically, when I write my score in Musescore 4 I add certain effects to the playback, for example reverb or different piano sounds. All these effects are downloaded from musehub, so not from random places. The issue is that all these new properties of the playback that I set up are lost when I upload it to It generates its own standard MP3 playback which I hate as it sounds awful. My question is what should I do to maintain all the effects that I set up in the score during the to
Below you could see a file with one of my compositions and a link to the same composition, but uploaded to Just listen to the playback difference.

Attachment Size
Prelude No. 5 Op. 22.mscz 49.31 KB


What is your process when uploading? Are you using the button on-site or the upload option within the app?

If you use, none of your Soundfonts and effects will be loaded, and the sound will be replaced with musescore basic.

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