remove tuplets from score

• Mar 15, 2025 - 21:33

how can I remove all tuplets from my Musescore 4 score?

Attachment Size
Rainy-Days-And-Mondays.mscz 165.16 KB


That looks like you have started with a PDF or a MIDI file and it hasn't been interpreted correctly, Usually, the best way is to just enter the notes manually into MuseScore.

In reply to by underquark

Please explain "Interpreted correctly ".
The problem appears to be with Musescore 4.
The absence of the midi import panel prevents the user(me) from removing the tuplets from the score when imported. I resolved this incident by opening the score with Musescore 3 and removing the duplets after the import.

In reply to by dpleasant720

Please explain "my score". Did you write it from scratch or attempt to import it from another file format?

"Interpreted" means that a direct import, conversion or one-to-one equivalent file transmutation has not occurred. PDF's are "read" by a program which does its best to work out what is going on and represent it as music notation. MIDI files have subtle timing issues and they don't very often turn out pretty when converted to music notation - every slightly-short note gets changed into something that has several ties. Tuplets get special treatment in that they are often messed up completely.

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