Fingering Shortcut Issue in Musescore 4.4
I need help with doing navigation for fingering on Musescore 4.4. On Musescore 3.6, according to the handbook, I was able to create a shortcut to turn on the fingering input and quickly insert finger numbers on music. The shortcut was Ctrl+Alt+F, and I was able to hold down "Alt" to navigate through the notes and move wherever I needed while inserting the fingering. However, I have tried to do the same navigation with Musescore 4.4 and it's not working. I created a shortcut (Alt+Shift+F) to turn on the fingering input, and it works, but if I hold down Alt, or just use the arrow keys, I can't navigate through the notes like I could with 3.6. The fingering cursor won't move anywhere. At this point, it would be just as slow as dragging and dropping fingering on each note one at a time, and this is really holding me back. If there is anything that could be done to fix that, or anything, thank you in advance to anyone who can help.
UPDATE: I found that I can use the space bar to navigate forward in fingering input mode, but I can't go backwards. Again, is there a better way to do this, or is there an issue? Thank you in advance.
I'm afraid I don't understand your explanation of your issue in the slightest. Sorry.
That said, if Space works to move forward, it's likely that Shift+Space will work to move backward. That convention is common throughout MuseScore.