Musescore 3 Volume
Hi, I am using musescore 3 to make a score with mdl drumline sounds, when i input some notes and press play, there is no volume at all. My computer volume was at the max, the mixer was good, and i tried many things but have failed.
I would suggest you send the score to one of the forums (Playback perhaps?)
The forums can be found here
In reply to I would suggest you send the… by Scarpia
@Scarpia : OP's message--and yours--are both posted in "one of the forums". :-)
I would say that Support and bug reports subforum ("to ask for help and report bugs") would probably be the best place for it but here in the General discussion subforum ("for discussing score writing software and MuseScore") is a solid second-best. In my opinion the Playback subforum ("for discussing instrument sounds and playback technologies such as Muse Sounds, SoundFonts, and VSTs") would be a poor third place.
@laynedavies72 : Be sure to attach a score file (the .MSCZ file) that demonstrates your problem. In case you don't know How To attach a file, click the link.
Also include your computer's operating system and its version, and include the exact version number of MuseScore you have installed. You can get all three by clicking Help / About MuseScore, then clicking the copy button ('two pieces of paper' icon) next to the build number, and pasting into your post.
In reply to @Scarpia : OP's message--and… by TheHutch
Thank you.