Musescore 4.5 -- copy-pasting in note input mode -- unwanted behaviour
I'm very happy with the new update so far, but there's something weird when copy-pasting in input mode.
For context, there's a 1-bar bassline that I want to copy-paste 3 times, and for the fourth bar i want to input a slightly different version of the line. I therefore enter note input mode, type my bassline, copy it, leave edit mode, then I do the following :
-clic on the second bar
-ctrl+v [second bar filled]
-right arrow [silence of third bar selected]
-ctrl+v [third bar filled]
-right arrow [silence of fourth bar selected]
-enter note input mode
-type my varied bassline
-right arrow [silence of 5th bar selected]
-ctrl+v [5th bar filled]
-right arrow [last note of the 5th bar selected]
-ctrl+v [5th and 6th bar messed up]
So my problem here is that in input mode, after pasting a bar, hitting right arrow puts me on the last note of the pasted section instead of the first note/silence after it, while out of input mode it does exactly the opposite.
I'm not certain that this is new to version 4.5, but I believe it is an unwanted behaviour.
Have a nice day,
Or perhaps write you first bar. Leave input mode. Select the bar and hit "R" three times. Or as many times as needed.
And a last time and make changes to that bar.