multi measure rests not compressing

• Mar 26, 2025 - 01:08

Hi folks!

Running into lots of bugs with the latest build:

OS: macOS 15.3, Arch.: arm64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.5.1-250800846, revision: 603eca8

One issue can be seen in the attachment. Note how some measures between multi-measure rests are not included in the MM rest. It's as though Musescore thinks it needs to leave one intact before starting another MM rest. But I don't want that.

Is this a setting I'm missing or is this a bug?


multimeasure rests dont compress.mscz


In reply to by cadiz1

Okay, thanks. I was concerned that maybe where it was anchored was the issue, but because of the erratic positioning bug, I was unable to make progress with troubleshooting that.

But I see that I can use the Shift-Arrow feature to shift the anchor of the rehearsal marker as a way to get around the positioning bug that manifests when I use the mouse.

Thanks for the help!

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